Writing Challenge Entries #4


Another week over already, and a round up of challenge entries below. If you don’t participate in weekly writing challenges, you should they are a fantastic way of practicing and developing your craft.

Esther’s up first, with another 10 word story, but this time the challenge was: I’d like another ten word story but this week, you need to find some way of using the words ‘potato’ and ‘Friday’ in your story!

My entry:

Friday fish and chips do not count as healthy potatoes.


Charli Mills fantastic challenge this week was: March 25, 2015 prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) include a juxtaposition between the ordinary and natural worlds. It can be civilization and nature; an edifice and a nest or cave; a human act and a natural occurrence; acculturation and adaptation. Compare or contrast as the prompt leads you to write.

My entry:

Life Cycle by Sacha Black

We knew it was coming, dad had been sick for a long time. He sat in the corner, breathing laboured as I cramped and cried through my own labour.

I pushed again, and again.

“One last heave.”

With a final groan my baby was born.

“It’s a girl,” the midwife said.

I looked at my parents. Mum had tears rolling down her cheeks. 

Dads breathing was shallow and intermittent. His eyes glossed, and mouth fell slack. 

“You have a granddaughter poppa.”

Dad died with a soft smile painted on his lips.

Mums sobs were interspersed with new born screams.


Ronovan’s Haiku challenge, his prompt was to use the words, ill and rest. I am still struggling to write a Haiku, I just don’t seem to get them, but I tried nonetheless. Here’s my go:

Ill was his sick head

Rest not the evil or foul

Not till they are dead


Keith Channing has another Kreative Kue, this week, another lovely photo.

Narnia’s Shed By Sacha Black

“I’m not going in there Tom,” I said shoving my hands in my pocket and kicking at the grass.


“I’m not chicken. You go in if you’re so brave.”

“That wasn’t the dare. I’ve done mine. Tell him, Chris.”

Chris nodded, and gave me a hard shove towards the shed.

“I hate you both.” 

A heavy well of dread formed in my stomach, twisting and furling knots. I took a couple of steps towards the shed and looked back at the boys.

“What if I never come back, like those other kids?”

“It’s not Narnia, moron. It’s just a bloody shed. Get a move on. Chicken, CHICKEN. Chiiiiicken.” Tom rammed his hands under his armpits and flapped around making chicken sounds. Chris sniggered and my cheeks burned.

“You’re a basterd. You both are.”

I stormed toward the shed leaving them behind me giggling. I won’t be shown up. Besides they were only rumours. The three kids that disappeared probably just ran away from home.

I touched the shed door and pulled the lock back. A rush of cold air shot through the gap sending a tingle down my spine. I paused. What if I really didn’t come back? I looked back at the boys. Chris had joined in the chicken dance.  I closed my eyes and puffed my chest out yanking the door open.

A rush of freezing air blew around me and sucked at my body. It pulled harder. My hands struggled to hold on to the handle. The wind blew stronger. Colder. Both legs were sucked in. My waist then torso. I yelped as my fingertips fell one after another. My hand burned trying to hold on. 


Both boys froze, colour draining from their faces. Chris moved first. Then Tom. Feet pounding on the grass. Another finger slipped. And another.

“I can’t hold on. Hurry.”

One finger and a thumb were left grasping the wooden door. Chris stretched his arm, reaching, red faced and puffing. Splinters shredded my finger. Chris screamed “hold on.” 

My energy drained, he wasn’t going to make it. Tears streaked my cheeks, and warm liquid dribbled down my leg.

“No,” Tom yelled, eyes bulging his hands stretched out.

My last finger slipped. I let go.


Finally my own writespiration challenge:

I knelt on the double yellow lines and touched her shoulder.

“Not a usual hang out, love, you ok?” 

She had her head in her hands, a brown bag suspiciously shaped like a bottle strewn at her feet, and a seriously expensive looking suit on.

“Huh? mmm…yeh…mmm.”

Locks of platinum blonde hair fell by her shoulders as she slipped off her hands, and her head ricocheted.

“Ok, love, lets get you home. Do you know where you live.”

She laughed, clumsily nodded, and gestured at the house behind her. I raised my eyebrow.

“Your locked out aren’t you?”

She pushed herself to an upright position. Despite her stupor her piercing blue eyes were still radiant. She was stunning.

“Yep, left the fucking keys on the inside of the door, didn’t I?! Cut my hand up trying to squeeze it through the letterbox and… the spare key is missing.”

She picked up the bottle and leant on the fence.

“So I thought I’d get pissed while I waited for the locksmith.”

“You’re in luck love…” 

Her goggly eyes peered at my jacket badge.

“Bout friggin’ time, drank a whole bottle of Prosecco waiting for you!”



  1. This is a good idea. My efforts in other people’s challenges, currently restricted to Esther’s and occasionally yours, don’t appear on my own blog, so my followers don’t see them.
    Perhaps I should start such a feature, although I’m not sure about the propriety of stealing your ideas/format. Isn’t that a bit like plagiarism?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha, don’t worry, I think it’s a great idea to post challenge submissions in one place, that’s why I started, you should definitely do it – it collates them all if you ever want to see them again. 🙂 and no, I don’t see it as plagiarism 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! You entered a LOT of writing challenges this week! I particularly liked the Narnia Shed… I think there’s scope to develop a story from that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ali, 🙂 I know, I am in a bit of a habit of entering this set now, so hopefully will be able to continue every week doing the same ones. I was tempted to do the flash friday too but I think I would be pushing it a bit!! thanks so much for reading them. Yeah, maybe I will have a ponder and think about how I could develop it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I see loads of writers around me prolifically writing short stories and always wondered where they get their ideas from. I just never seem to have short story ideas. But this challenge thing seems a really good way of inspiring oneself!

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      2. It’s really hard to start off with. I had No idea how to do it. But one of the best challenges was write a story in like 10 words. Once I figured out how to do that, then it got easier to work up… Tomorrows writespiration will help with that 😜. I think the think is to think about stories differently. You can’t write a novel or proper story in 100 words or whatever your amount it, so you have to think about a snapshot of a story, just one scene, which you can give a beginning middle and an end.

        The best analogy I can think of is a lift – you get in, you ride up, you get out.

        That although lame is a story in itself with a beginning middle and end…

        The more you do the easier it will become promise 😄

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’ll take your word for it! Looking forward to tomorrow then… although my mother in law will be here. (That will be a challenge in itself lol) So I may not have any time to write. It will be a midnight labour of love, probably! 😀 Actually, there may be a story in that…

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Ahh the mother in law! Yep I did get your email actually will try and reply over the weekend so you get a proper response. How long is she with U for? That is definitely a story right there!

        And don’t worry tomorrow shouldnt take more than a few minutes 😄

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      5. Not sure. She’s in Ireland for 10 days. Dont know how much of that will be spent here. She hasnt considered its the Easter hols and we might have a life. 😅

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    1. You really should Geoff, your more prolific than me. Otherwise you end up losing all your stories or forgetting where they are. If nothing else do it for me, I’m a fan of your writing so saves me scrolling through every bloody submission place to find your bits! In fact I wish everyone did it! Would save me a lot of time looking for their work!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so impressed you enter so many writing challenges, Sacha. Just where do you find the time? My guess is you only need two hours sleep a night?

    I love the Fish and chip ten word story and had tears in my eyes after reading Life cycle. Wonderful stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

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