
A Writers’ Guide to Science Fiction vs. Reality – Alien Species

Alien SpeciesI was always more of a star trek than a star wars fan. Specifically, Next Generation, with ol’ Captain Jean-Luc Picard. He was ‘da man’ according to my dad. To which, of course, I immediately wanted to rebel against any such assertion, so I insisted on calling him Captain Plackard for the better part of half a decade.

In both those franchises, there are more creatures and ugly aliens than puss filled spots at a 15th birthday bash.

But what of ‘real’ aliens? And what if you wanted to add a pinch of reality to your science fiction?  (more…)

Earth’s Secret Race of Giants and Their Connection To The Annunaki and Nephilim

Earth's Secret Race of Giants & Their Connection to the Annunaki and Nephilim

Giants are all over fiction stories like fairytales such as Jack and the Beanstalk and the BFG, but what about actual giants? You know, the ones that lived and breathed on planet Earth? Some argue it’s just another conspiracy. But I wonder if they saw a giant skeleton, knew about the ones hidden in the Smithsonian, heard about the theory connecting the Annunaki and Nephilim and the references littered in the Bible, whether they might change their mind… (more…)