Annual Bloggers Bash Awards – NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN

NominateIt’s the 1st of July, know what that means? It’s ONE MONTH TO GO till the first ever Annual Bloggers Bash Party which is going to be in London on the 1st of August. To find out more visit the Annual Bloggers Bash Page.

Now, not all of our wonderful community can make it. The joy of blogging is that we can meet new friends from far away lands. So I thought we would do something that CAN include everyone. I am please to announce the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards.

Is there a blog you simply love? Has someone made you smile week after week? Maybe they have super helpful and informative posts? Or perhaps you have been inspired by them. Now is your chance to nominate a fellow blogger for one of these six awards. Winners will be announced on the 1st August at the bloggers bash and for all those not physically there we will also announce the winners live on twitter using the hashtag #BloggersBash.

There are 6 categories you can nominate a blogger in. Nominations will be open for one week from today, therefore closing at 6pm BST on the 8th July.

The top few bloggers with the most nominations in each category will be pitted against each other in a public vote to win the award. Voting will be open for two weeks, from 16th July – 30th July, and results announced live on the 1st August.

The categories are as follows:

Best-Overall-BlogThe Best Overall Blog Award is the Grand Champion Blogger. Nominations for this category should go to any blogger who you think has excelled all round. They continually produce fantastic blogs that never fail to entertain, inform or inspire. Who’s blog do you adore? Is there a blog you just wish you had written? Then this is the category to nominate them in.







The Funniest Blogger Award does what it says on the tin. Is there a blogger who continually makes you laugh out loud? Did you laugh so hard you cried? Maybe you snorted drink through your nose at one of their jokes. Who’s the funniest blogger of them all?






Most-InspiringThe Most Inspiring Blog Award again does what it says on the tin. Who consistently inspires you? Is there a blogger that’s thought provoking and inquisitive? Or perhaps they have become a muse to you with constant provision of inspiration? Who’s the one blogger you has touched your heart and inspired you? This is the nomination for them.







The Most Informative Blog Award is an award for the blogger who has the most informative posts. Maybe they constantly post about new and interesting topics you love. Or maybe they are posting about fascinating topics you know nothing about. have you found yourself longing to read a particular bloggers posts because of their content? Then this is the nomination for them.





Best-Dressed-The Best Dressed Blog is an award for the most stylish blog. Who’s blog looks sleek and sexy? Maybe they use stunning imagery, or perhaps they just have a unique written style to their blog posts. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so only you can judge who’s blog is the best dressed.







Services-to-BloggersLast but by no means least is the Services to Bloggers Award. Who’s the kindest blogger of them all? Which blogger goes out of their way to help others? Maybe someone helped you kick start your blog or reblogs your posts. Perhaps someone consistently provides useful posts on how to boost your own blog. Or maybe you want to nominate someone who provides a platform for others. This is your chance to thank them.





To nominate a fellow blogger for any of these awards please either leave a comment below, with a link to their blog, or if you would like to nominate anonymously, then please email the name of the blogger with a link to: sachablack87(AT)gmail(DOT)com.

This is meant to be a bit of fun and a chance to include everyone in the Bloggers Bash, so please do nominate to your hearts content. Share this post and encourage others to nominate and remember to vote when voting opens on the 16th July.


1. Please only nominate one blogger per category. If someone else has nominated the same person, that’s fine, you can still nominate that person. The more nominations each person has the higher the chance of them being put to the vote.

2. Please include a link to the nominated bloggers website, so that I can find them when setting up the voting system.

3. This ones voluntary – but if you like, add a little explanation as to why they have been nominated.

That’s it, and good luck everyone.


  1. Reblogged this on Hugh's Views & News and commented:
    Get your votes in folks, the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards Nominations have been opened.

    This is your chance to nominate the blogs you love the most and who you feel are inspirational, and champions of the blogging world.

    Nominations close at 18:00 BST on 8th July 2015.

    So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Sacha’s blog and nominate your favourites. After all, they have to be in it to win it!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Sacha,

    Here are the votes from the Hugh jury.

    Best Overall Blog Award – Sally Cronin of Smorgasbord – Variety is the Spice of Life

    Most Inspirational Blogger Award – Suzie of Suzie81 Speaks

    Most Informative Blogger Award – Ronovan of Ronovanwrites

    Funniest Blogger Award – Amanda of Insidethelifeofmoi

    Best Dressed Blog Award – Sherri from A View From My Summerhouse

    Services To Bloggers Award – Chris Graham of Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

    And that concludes the votes from Hugh. May I take this opportunity to say that you are doing a splendid job with this and how lovely you are looking this evening.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. You’re welcome Sally. I’ll certainly be nominating Sacha to present Eurovision when Graham Norton hands his notice in. Maybe the BBC will sign you both up to present it? I hope you would both let me sit in the box with you? I’d be quiet…I promise 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I come to your blog and this group of amazing people via a very different path than others I think – the 1000 Voices for Compassion movement – and my nominations reflect that path:

    Best Overall Blog Award – TanGental

    Funniest Blogger Award – Hugh’s News and Views

    Most Inspiring Blog Award – Yvonne Spence

    Most Informative Blog Award – Sacha Black

    Services to Bloggers Award – Considerings – for the work put into developing the 1000 Voices for Compassion movement

    I also think there should be an additional award – Best Newcomer – and I would nominate The Curious Archaeologist

    Thank you! Have fun next month!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. ooooh best new comer, I WISH I had thought of that. I will include for next dear definitely. I might get the committee to nominate a couple of others and sling that award in too. 🙂 Thanks for the personal nomination too *blush* Im honoured. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So that its formally noted – my nominations are:

    Most informative – Ali Isaac Because she never fails to find something new to teach us, her mythological posts are fascinating, easy to read and filled with knowledge. She tirelessly researches and transforms myths and all things linked to them into modern day tales we can all learn about. I have found myself beginning to love irish mythology because of Ali – who knew!

    Funniest Blogger – Geoff Le Pard – – Geoff is the kind of writer who can make you snort your drink through your nose laughing so hard. The amount of looks I’ve had from colleagues as I walk down the corridor at work and explode into a raucous laugh is immeasurable. Geoff can genuinely make anything funny. I constantly look forward to reading what he has got up to next. He’s also a brilliant writer, captivating and with a stunning style, he’s the kind of writer I could only aspire to be.

    Services to bloggers – Chris Graham – – there are no words to describe the constant inspiring help Chris provides. He is in a league of his own, tirelessly promoting and helping bring new authors into the limelight. He searches for, promotes and champions the work of others. He never fails to find informative, helpful and interesting reads too. I simply adore his blog.

    Most Inspiring – Norah Colvin – – Norah is fantastically modest, but her blog is simply fascinating. She never fails to find new ways to relate her passion for teaching in a way that others can easily digest and think about. She has strong views, but thats what makes her so interesting. She constantly finds thought provoking topics and discussions, and always takes the time to talk at length with you. She is ALWAYS the teacher. She provokes, prods and nudges you to think differently, question and learn from her and yourself. I adore her blog, and she definitely deserves this award.

    Best Overall Blog – Dylan Hearn –
    Dylan is an amazing blogger, and writer, and I think deserves the all round award. He tirelessly gives back to the writing community, through his reviews and promotion of other writers. He sources and provides fascinating blog posts on a range of topics. I always learn something new from Dylan and if I don’t, I am inspired by whatever he has posted. Each and every post he writes is well thought out, and top notch. 🙂

    Best Dressed – Charli Mills – Damn this girls got style. She’s clean, consistent and everything she does is shit hot as far as I am concerned. I love everything about Charli. She’s a storyteller to her core, and always starts each post with a witty, or thought provoking story to draw you in. Her style of writing is engaging beyond belief, she has a way of sucking you in to her stories and never letting you go. She is always consistent with her stylish branding and is just as quick to provide thought provoking series filled with her marketing knowledge to help you learn. She even has her own fully branded Rough Riders. Charli Mills – stylish, altruistic and one hell of a storyteller

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for the nomination, Sacha, I’m touched. I think I’ll print your last line on a t-shirt and wear it on the 1st August (I won’t really but it was a lovely thing to say).

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Sacha, here are my nominations.

    BEST OVERALL – Ed Mooney Photography. His blog looks beautiful, his photography is just stunning and magical, his posts are informative and entertaining, and to top it all he’s such a lovely guy. His blog posts are the ones I always open first, and cant wait to read when I receive my WP notifications. He says what he does is a hobby, but actually, he’s preserving a part of our heritage that we are in real danger of losing for the nation.

    FUNNIEST – Tara Sparling Writes. Tara is an author who takes writing related subjects and turns them on their heads. She doesn’t post prolifically, but what you get is always worth waiting for. Not only are her posts hilarious, but her interactions with her commenters are just as funny. Reading her blog posts always put me in a good mood.

    MOST INSPIRING – Sacha Black, yes, you, Sacha! You challenged and encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and try my hand at different types of writing, something I had absolutely no confidence with and would never have done otherwise. Your blog has definitely inspired me.

    MOST INFORMATIVE – Chris McMullen. What Chris doesn’t know about publishing, formatting, marketing etc your book with Kindle just isn’t worth knowing. Not only that, but he does a lot to help other writers, too.

    BEST DRESSED – Jane Dougherty Writes. Jane’s blog is just full of lushness (is that a word?!!). Gorgeous paintings accessorized with her own unique style of writing and poetry. It’s a cornucopia, an indulgence, like chocolate AND wine!

    Home page

    SERVICES TO BLOGGERS – Sally Cronin. She tirelessly works to promote other writers in spite of being a writer herself, putting everyone else first. What I love most about her, though, is the way she always uses the personal touch when dealing with others, from her interviews down to her social media posts. Sally must be the loveliest and most genuine person in the self publishing industry.


    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ah, this has been a difficult one have had to put my thinking cap on. Well it’s raining outside very hard, those raindrops have got my brain cells all fired up, here are my nominations:

    Best Overall blog: Difficult definitely a tie. It’s got to be my haiku buddy over at Ronovan Writes, great blog, I don’t know how Ron does it all he amazes me with his splendiferousness. and Sally Cronin at Smorgasbordinvitation for the sheer variety in her wonderful blog:

    Most Inspiring blog: Another tie. Val at Find Your Middle Ground. Lots of fantastic posts on Val’s blog, about finding peace and balance in life: and Ali Isaac at aliisaacstoryteller. Both great blogs.

    Most Informative: Well I’ve chosen a couple of bookish blogs for this category: Jenny in Neverland. A great book blog, very stylish looking with a lifestyle section too.

    As well I’d like to mention a new discovery, Yvo a book blogger with a long list of other bookish blogs who I reblogged recently certainly deserves a mention in this category:

    Funniest blog: Well, it’s got to be kilted Seumas I reckon:

    Services to bloggers: This is difficult, a tie between Nicholas Rossis and Chris. Both very helpful and friendly. and Chris at the Story reading Ape.

    Right that is it, but having said that there are so many others that deserve a mention too, shame we couldn’t have some more categories…………..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow! I didn’t expect that. Thanks for that nomination.
      I was just on here trying to work out how to vote for the nominated blogs and I find I’ve been nominated. Very humbling.
      I’m sorry I won’t be there in person, but I’ll be there in spirit. x

      Liked by 2 people

      1. If you go to my home page the voting post has gone live this morning so it’s the latest post – will update this page tomorrow to include the link to vote – thank you for the prompt 😊😊 and good luck


  7. Hope everyone has a wonderful time at the bloggers bash. My nomination for best overall blogger is …… Hugh …..of …. good luck to all with your nominations. I am nominating Hugh as I have been entertained and inspired by his blog since Blogging 101. It’s also a very well-dressed blog with great photography and pictures of Hugh’s gorgeous dog, Toby.

    Toby writes very informative posts as well. 🙂

    These blogging awards are a great idea Sacha. Once again have the best time at the event and I will be there in spirit from the land downunder. cheers, Maria.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks you so much for the nomination Maria. I am very honoured that you have nominated me.

      I do hope you will find some time to vote in the other award categories as well. I know there are so many wonderful blogs out there but this is your chance to mention any other as well.


  8. Most inspiring:
    Rockstar Dinosaur Princess Pirate is an inspirational blogger who deals with issues as broad as drinking, social justice and consent. Her blogs are both entertaining and thought provoking.

    Services to bloggers:


    Katharine Grubb who runs this blog also runs a facebook group to help and encourage other writers. Katherine is always kind and helpful whether you are struggling with a personal issue or are having technical difficulties if she can’t help you she can almost certainly put you in touch with someone else who can. She gives generously and unselfishly of her time – I really don’t know how she manages it all.

    Funniest Blogger:
    Friend and fellow blogger Sarah Louise has actually made me wet myself laughing with some of her wry observations on trying to have a life whilst raising children.

    Most Informative:
    Up-and-coming poet Natasha Borton has a beautiful blog on which she reviews books of fiction and poetry. If you love good literature but don’t want to waste time ploughing through lots of tosh, this is the place to go. She also reviews plays and events and if you are very lucky you may get to sample some of her own work too.

    Best Dressed:
    Beautiful and easy to navigate, this blog contains easy to follow recipes with mouth-watering pictures with occasional well thought out social comment.


  9. OK, here are my nominations. There are many great blogs who have already been nominated so I’ve gone for those that have yet to get much of a mention, if at all.

    Most inspiring:
    Heather Hill is a funny, hard-working and inspiring author. She doesn’t blog as much as she used to but she is very supportive of new authors and has the experience to back up her words.

    Services to bloggers:
    Susan Toy has been supporting authors and promoting their work tirelessly for many years She’s kind, generous and you know if she’s recommended something it’s worth reading..

    Funniest Blogger:
    Tar is one of those annoying naturally funny people. She takes the most dry subjects, turns them on their heads and makes them funny whilst still being informative. Her blog has won awards and it’s easy to see why. Bribery (only joking, Tara). 🙂

    Most Informative:


    There are so many informative blogs around it’s difficult to choose one winner but I’ve selected Nicholas’s blog for the work he’s done in understanding the best promotional avenues for authors. It’s an area that’s not really been explored elsewhere and although it’s still early days, his work has been incredibly helpful.

    Best Overall:
    I’ve gone for a very simple writing blog. It doesn’t contain any craft tips or information on publishing but is full of the most wonderful short stories. Peter Wells has a wonderful turn of phrase and a sweet, melancholic outlook and I look forward to his stories each week.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s good to see we’re using the FIFA nomination model, where I get to play a member of the executive committee and you the Irish FA. I’ll email you where to send the cheque. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That worries me, Dylan. The IFA are so funny they’re almost hysterical. I don’t think I can compete with that, but at least I’m well versed in cheques.


  10. Dammit! I missed the deadline. Let me just say I was going to nominate Ali Isaac for the best all round blog, I couldn’t decide on the others; there were too many. The Ape of course, but he was nominated by so many people he’s bound to romp home.

    Liked by 1 person

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