
Accepting The Weird In You – A Writers Must #1000speak

Accepting the weird in you - a writers must

Weird, weirdo, strange, unusual, abnormal, not normal, odd, freaky, eccentric, all words I’ve been called over the years. But why? Why have we (society) corrupted the words weird and inserted negative meanings into them? I don’t know about anyone else but I wasn’t party to the memo telling me the ‘Normal Police’ had been legislated and were arresting anyone who showed even a hint of stepping over the accepted line. I know humans are conformists, but really? (more…)

The Lost Art of Penmanship – Evolution or Regression?


I made a point recently about the lack of ‘actual’ writing I do. You know, with my hand and a real life pen. The post discussed Distributed Cognition, a concept that debates where the boundaries of thought are and one example is the use of a pen. Does the physicality of using a pen change your thought process through the action of writing? Where do your thoughts end, and the pen and ink begin, and what is the reciprocal effect of the thought, hand and pen interacting.

Why am I talking about this again? Well, in my author interviews, I ask a provocative question making a point that the publishing industry is in decline (I don’t actually think it is, but it tends to provoke an interesting answer). That question got me thinking, is penmanship in decline? (more…)

A Theory of Connection #1000speak

A Theory of Connection

I couldn’t write about connection without reminding y’all about this summer’s first EVER Bloggers Bash in London. If you have made friends with bloggers why not get them to shimmy along so you can meet them – ‘connect’ – with them (see what I did there!… Ok I’ll stop.)


Saying ‘everything’s connected’ is one of those phrases that lots of people blurt out. It’s banded around without much thought to what it really means.  So, what does it mean, and what IS behind it? (more…)