Writespiration Round Up 2016

writespiration-round-upWritespiration Wednesdays have been around since October 2014. I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of entries, and I’ve read each and every one. It’s been an honour and a privilege to read them, but with the end of the world  year nigh, I’ve decided to take a wittle pause to both, reassess my plans for next year, and catch up with some post scheduling, so I’m not living in a state of perpetually chasing my ass.

See, I have this delusion about myself, that I’m super woman, and that I can do everything and all the projects… ALL AT FUCKING ONCE… because who the fuck needs sleep anyway? Just pass me fuck bucket of caffeine, and I’ll beeeee fineeeee! *twitch* *twitch* *heart tremor*


Apparently I didn’t pack my lycra because I couldn’t find my glitter covered super girl cape and the quantity of caffeine I drank landed me an appointment with the cardiac specialist.

Sigh. Let’s move on.

Next year, I have some plans for Writespiration Wednesdays. It will be back, slicker, quicker and even better. I mean, I can’t get to 96 and stop for god sake. Who stops at 96? Everyone likes a round number. It will be back on 4th January next year.

For now, to round off the year, here are your entries from writespiration 96 – Write a Fairytale set here.

If you want to see any of the previous writespirations, have a look here.

First up, Ladylee Manila with a wonderful true story.

I was accepted to have an apprenticeship with BASF Chemical Company, in Ludwigshafen, Germany. It’s the largest production site worldwide and the company’s global headquarters and research centre. I spoke no German, but then, I’ve survived in France and Switzerland without French, so why not? I was convinced I would get by and would learn the language when I was there. I was allocated in the Inorganic Department, producing and analysing some dyes. Herr Raider provided me a name who was also working in the same building, but in a different laboratory. “He’d help you get sorted,” he said. Hence, first thing in the morning, I knocked on Room 602 and a tall English man opened it, some parts of his white shirt still untucked from his trousers. “I am, indeed.” was his answer to my question and that hooked me! “Such an accent,” I thought. He helped me obtain my lab gown and safety goggles that morning and waited for me for lunch every day. “There’s your English man again,” my Laborant would say.

That English man is Him Indoors…and we got married two years after we first met….and we’ve just celebrated our 30 years anniversary this year!

Ritu up next with this twist on Cinders

Candicella – The Party Princess

Candicella looked up. Surely her Prince would arrive soon!

She had been trapped in this woods, where the rave was being held, for the last 2 hours.

Faithfully, she had dressed up in what her Fairy Godmother had assured her were the latest ‘threads’, but looking around her, she realised that old Betty had not quite got it right.  She really needed hot pants and a cropped top! The sneakers were a lovely shade of green though.

She sat admiring them, then winced in pain. Trying to join in with the other party animals had been rather more strenuous than she had remembered from her ‘ball-going’ days, and had resulted in a twisted knee.

Hearing a twig crack as someone stepped on it, she turned.

“Oh thank goodness you’re here!”

In all his princely regalia, Prince Dwayne looked rather out of place, but he valiantly stepped up to his regal duty, to rescue the Princess, again.

Scooping her up in his arms, he teetered slightly, but righted himself, and carried Candicella back to the waiting carriage.

“My dear,” he said as he glanced down at her footwear, “I can see why you needed rescuing…glass slippers are much more ‘you!”


  1. My gran stopped, rather completely, at 96 and she was superwoman… Just saying. But we need the aphorism ‘black don’t crack’ to apply to that shiny little heart of jet of yours so take your break, drink an asteroid’s worth of hot pisswater aka chamomile tea and come back healthy and miserable. You know we love you moody and grumblicious.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. If and when I ever finish the WIP, I intend to have a break too, as it has gradually dawned on me lately that I cannot keep trying to do everything. I need a workable plan, one that will be kinder to me than I am.
    Enjoy your break!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A break is definitely needed think I can’t see the wood from the trees to be honest, or maybe that’s because it’s winter and maybe I have SADS! But I agree about being kinder to ourselves why do we never do that?

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  3. I love your writespirations. They’ve inspired some of my favorite flashes I’ve written to date. Which is, you know, kind of the point of them… Anyhoo. I’m glad it will be back next year but am even more pleased you’re taking a break when you need to. ❤ Don't listen to Geoff. It's not gross. Chamomile tea is good. Especially when it's combined with rose and/or lavender.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thanks chick – Are you still doing the tweets4blogs? I loved those. I’m glad I’m taking a break too, I can’t bear to drown any longer and I have already started scheduling them for next year so I just need to catch up and I should start to free some head space. 😀 😀

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      1. Head space is good. 🙂

        I’m not. I didn’t announce it, though. Sorry. There are WAY too many prompts on there and I didn’t want to get into the mix, quite honestly. I started it for a few tweeps who wanted to do prompts but were a bit shy or just didn’t want to be a part of those larger prompts. I still have some but…eh, we’ll see.

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      2. well I loved it. Sad they aren’t around any more, but I understand I know exactly what its like needing headspace. I am happy to say though, I am sat scheduling the new form of Writespiration ready for next year and I am already nearing the end of march!

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      3. hahah, funnily enough you’re not the first person to say that to me! I have actually scheduled EVERY SINGLE prompt for next year! So they are definitely coming back. I will just have to add the entries each week. 😀 Plus you have to play now, we will be expecting an anthology sequel…. JUST SAYING


  4. I really enjoy your Writespiration Challenges Sacha so shall miss them. I totally understand your need to ease off a bit and get some other things done that you want to accomplish.
    I will look forward to seeing it back in January and hope that you are still going to be around! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Aww I’m sorry to hear Writespiration will be taking a hiatus BUT I look forward to the new and improved version next year :D! At the end of the day, the top priority should always be yourself Sacha. Please take care and good luck with everything! Let’s make the rest of this year totally kickass!


    1. hehe, it is definitely coming back, I’ve scheduled them all up now so no turning back! Thank you for the support, it means a lot. I am determined to get my books finished I JUST HAVE TO PUBLISH! I hope you have a fab rest of the year too 😀 What are you working on at the moment?

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