Bloggers Bash Awards 2016

As part of the bloggers bash (the annual get together for bloggers) there are a number of awards given out. Awards that are voted for by you.

Last year, the committee agreed on 6 awards for the bloggers bash awards. However, this year, we are opening up the award categories to you…

Last year the categories were:

Best overall Blog (2015 Winner The Story Reading Ape),

Funniest Blogger (2015 Winner Blonde Write More),

Most Inspirational Blogger  (2015 Winner Suzie),

Best Dressed Blogger (Marlene Concierge Librarian),

Most Informative Blogger (2015 Winner Sarah Hardy) and

Services to bloggers (2015 Winner Suzie).

If you haven’t, you should check out the winners.






Last year, a number of you commented that you would have liked to have seen other awards, like a new comer award. So this year we decided to open up the award categories to you for suggestions. We would like to retain some of the old awards, but if lots of better suggestions come in we will ditch ours and choose your awards instead.

However, the final say on categories will be down to the committee – this is to protect ourselves from having to use rude or inappropriate categories because they have been suggested, and also to limit the number of awards given out.

You can catch up on last years winners here.

The committee are very proud of what we are creating with the Bloggers Bash, and last year, you kindly nominated myself, and fellow committee members for a number of the awards. But we feel this year, in order to ensure the credibility, honesty and transparency of these awards, we shouldn’t be nominated. This is to ensure there can be no biases or conflict of interest.

If you have a suggestion for an award, please pop it in the comments below or email to:


So over to you. What awards would you like to see this year? You have until the 19th February.


If you’re coming to the bloggers bash and haven’t let us know yet, drop us a line and confirm your attendance, the bash venue has a capacity  limit, and therefore we have a limited number of places on the day.


      1. Maybe activities that inspire a lot of participation like #Writespiration or blog sharing à la Suzie Speaks or Steve Says’ Saturday Music Request Show… I know, it’s not really a clear definition is it… 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  1. This is fun..
    How about
    “The Most Out-Spoken Blog”
    “The Blog you always recommend”
    “The Blogger whose posts you re-blog the most”
    “The Blogger whose posts you Tweet the most”
    “The Blogger who posts you share on Facebook the most”
    “The blog you write the most comments on”
    “The blog you follow which takes you out of your comfort zone”
    “The best blog you have discovered in 2016”

    Liked by 7 people

      1. Ok, we do have a list of pencils!! but we won’t put anyone on the official list till they’re a penned confirmation, we have a venue capacity so its first come first served. :s x

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Blog Bash envy here. We really need to do something like that here…maybe even regionally, if travel is an issue.

    One suggestion…Most Loyal Follower Award. I’m always amazed that some folks take the time to leave thoughtful comments on so many blogs. ☺

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Yep. East coast U.S., and quite a distance from favorites in California and deep South. Not sure how/if it can be quantified…personal observation of one’s own blog response, I guess.


  3. One of these days I’m going to get me a ticket to England and come to this thing and meet everyone! This year we need to see our son who’s stationed in Germany and his leave is in March. How about an award to best book reviews, one for best historical posts, one for best short stories?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I think this award should be for someone who posts a review a few times a month – looking for quality not quantity. Rosie Amber would be IT otherwise!!! But she has to be considered…

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Most cultural could be focusing on culture (art, music, literature, etc), most artistic could be focusing solely on the arts or you could look at the actual template and design of the blog itself

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Most honest or daring blog? I’m thinking along the lines of best drama, but without the drama. Maybe it is a single post, but I would like to recognize the bloggers who are brave enough to have honest conversations about themselves or their situations (warts and all) in order to either raise awareness, bring comfort, or connect with others going through similar circumstances.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Well, the writing one could be about blogs where you enjoy the topics or writing style. Favourite post might be too broad a topic – doubt you would get one standout there. Gosh, that’s really unhelpful, isn’t it? 😀


  5. Hi, Sacha. Not sure about wanting to add even more suggestions although I was thinking about something to do with the actual looks of the blog. Best illustrations? Most elegant design? Outstanding photography or drawings? Not evidently about the blog theme, but about how the posts are illustrated, be it their ability to create visual content, or to find it in unexpected places.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I really want to be there.. I am coming to the UK for 8 days in May and am trying to wangle a few days to cover June.. will do my best but cannot confirm just yet. So looking forward to it. As to blog categories perhaps instead of Best Dressed.. Best Humour.. Laughter is so important and seems to be very popular.. hugs to you all.


  7. Reblogged this on graemecummingdotnet and commented:
    The event is building momentum. And here’s a chance to have your say. So have a read and if you have any ideas, I’m sure Sacha and the crew will be more than happy to consider them. Oh, yes, and make sure you’re on the guest list. I want to meet even more new people this year

    Liked by 1 person

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