The BASH is BACK! The Second Annual #BloggersBash 2016

Annual Bloggers Bash Is BACK

After the stonking success of the first Bloggers Bash, the committee crawled under their respective duvets and hid having exhausted their supplies of extroversion.

HOWEVER, we have recovered, reconvened… discussed, deliberated…. and guess what…. we’re going to do it all over again! THE BASH IS BACK PEOPLE. The bash is really back.

If you weren’t able to make the last one because you didn’t find out in time, there’s no excuse this time. We are giving you plenty of notice. Have you ever wanted to meet up with a fellow blogger? Perhaps you made friends with someone and would love to meet them in person, or maybe you’re just nosy about who’s really behind the screen. Well now’s your chance.

The second Annual Bloggers Bash will be on:

June 11th 2016

And this time, it’s going to be even bigger and better than last year…

If you’re interested in coming, or are willing to help promote the event then drop us a line at:

annualbloggersbash (AT) yahoo (DOT) co (DOT) uk 

Don’t forget the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards will be back too, but more about that in a few months.

One more thing. Last year some guy with boobs, or was it manboobs, tried to derail the bash. If you know who he is, or see him making sabotage like plans, he better watch out. Give him a message from me…

I’m coming for your Boobs.


  1. Reblogged this on graemecummingdotnet and commented:
    What a great way to start the month! Something to look forward to. Not sure how it could have been better, but I think the response after this year’s event shows that it can’t be anything but bigger.

    This will be a great chance for those of us at the last one to reconnect in the flesh (so to speak), and for those who missed it to find out what real people look like!

    Just one question: Who was the guy with manboobs? I hope Sacha doesn’t mean me…

    Liked by 4 people

      1. It’s in my diary, Sacha. All I need now is a venue and a time.

        As for the manboob, I’m hoping not if only because I didn’t think I had any – though clearly Esther begs to differ.

        Anyway, what’s the derailing story?

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    1. Hi Stacey – we would love to have you. Everyone is welcome, and the more the merrier. It was such fun meeting everyone – and they really are as lovely in person as they are on their blogs.


  2. Reblogged this on Journey To Ambeth and commented:
    It’s back! I went to the Bloggers Bash this year and it was a fantastic day out, as well as a great opportunity to meet other bloggers in person. So I’m very excited to hear that next year’s Bash planning is underway – there were wild rumours about the British Library, Albert Hall and Buckingham Palace as venues, but let’s see if we can fill the whole of Pizza Express at least! Mark it in your diaries, write it on your arm, but whatever you do, save the date! Look forward to seeing you there 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Great news! Reblogged this on Journey to Ambeth and commented: It’s back! I went to the Bloggers Bash this year and it was a fantastic day out, as well as a great opportunity to meet other bloggers in person. So I’m very excited to hear that next year’s Bash planning is underway – there were wild rumours about the British Library, Albert Hall and Buckingham Palace as venues, but let’s see if we can fill the whole of Pizza Express at least! Mark it in your diaries, write it on your arm, but whatever you do, save the date! Look forward to seeing you there 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. oh heavens… She goes swanning around, plucking all the praise while the rest of we superciliaphobics have to book a venue, organise the meeting point, find a pub…. It’s not that I’m not grateful; I mean I wouldn’t get out much but for Lady Black’s goodwill but still. Another one?

    Liked by 4 people

      1. He’s a Geoffle, and a writer. On top of that he’s a lawyer. They make up big words to sound clever. Its probably legalspeak for something! Geoff, enlighten us poor ignorants!

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  5. Thanks for organising, Sacha 🙂 I’d really love to be there! But as I live and work in Spain, it might be difficult to be in London on 11th June, but I’ll write it in my diary, just in case. I’ll know nearer the date. By the way, anyone else from Spain thinking of going?

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    1. I’m not sure, but Ali will be back from Ireland. Nicholas Rossis said he is considering it – I am hoping Sally is too. Sarah Brentyn may even hope over the Atlantic to come. Ula is also considering it….So we may well get some international bloggers. I do hope you can make it 😀 x

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      1. Just on the other side of the channel, in Paris. So I even have a direct train connection that brings me there in 2.5h… I just have to see for the timing and the expense because Eurostar can be expensive. And of course I have to see what changes in life will happen I between.
        Thank you!

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      1. Don’t jinx me! Gawd, lady. 😉 I am so stinking excited, I can’t even. Let’s see where I am with my health and my family. I live one day at a time here. I can barely plan something for next week never mind next year. But then there’s this voice saying that I have to live my life. “LIVE YOUR LIFE!” (I think it’s mine. I mean, I hope it is. Geez, that’s creepy.) I really, really, really want to do this!!!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Holy freaking shit if you come….. LIKE OHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDDD. Just… I…. I can’t. No. Just breathe…. *bounces* *squeals* claps like a seal! There are no words to explain how MUCH I want this to happen. Your health better listen to you and do as its damn told!! 😋😋💖💖

        Can you imagine the YA chats we will have?! 😱🎉😁😁😁😁

        This is too much. I need to sit down!

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      3. DO.NOT.JUMP. In fact. Sit DOWN. relax. DEFINITELY REST……. move towards a computer……. check flights…. I mean rest…. REST woman! dammit :p I actually can’t. I just…. I feel like a teenager I’m THAT excited. You do realise you made my day…. not that that’s any pressure. No pressure. I know its a ridiculous ask, and health first. Obvs…. but still… if it does happen…. no. STOP. I just can’t. Not yet…..


        Liked by 2 people

      4. LOL! 😀 I’m frickin’ giddy! Freaking. Out. Also, already brought it up with the family. Oh, yes I did. And… If there are any books you haven’t read by then, I could pack them up. *squee!* NO jumping!!! #excited #freaking #IAmSuchATeenager

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      1. Are you allergic to kids? 😉 (You can say yes. I won’t be offended.) Ooh!!! I’d get to meet the animals! I had somehow forgotten about the tortoise though I don’t know how what with you building all that in your yard! Thanks, Geoff.

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  6. Heavens another bloggers bash, of course I have to reblog!!! It would be a crime not to, it would almost be as bad as the threat of the man with man boobs. Who is he? Did I miss something? It’s all too much for me Halloween, my birthday, Xmas, New Year, then the bloggers bash. I need to lie down….

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Wow! Looks like plenty of participants are signing up fast. If there was enough interest by those not able to make it to the UK, perhaps some side bashes could be held elsewhere. It could be a 24 hour-around-the-globe-bloggers bash!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Phew, I am so glad! That is a dream come true when so many from so many countries are coming! Yes, I will organize it for sure! I always hoped for such a meeting! It is fantastic that you are doing this, Sacha!

        Liked by 1 person

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