Bye Bye Bash 2016 HELLO to the 3rd Annual Bloggers Bash 2017

ABBA 2017*Wipes brow* PHEWWWWW, it’s all over. Can’t fricking believe it. The bash consumed me for the last couple of months. So much so, I actually took an entire week off the blog… AN ENTIRE WEEK WITH NO POSTS… I KNOW. Try not to fall over. I was shocked too. I didn’t even put up a fight!

It was spectacular. I loved every minute and wanted to do a little reflecting on the event before I swiftly force ask the committee to start work on next year’s do. (I gave them one day off. I’m nice like that!) *snigger*

But it’s all over, I really can’t believe it. First and foremost, a massive thank you to all of you, we had an enormous 6331 votes cast this year, and that is all down to you, the bloggers for helping to share the awards. So thank you ❤ 

Before I review this year, I have two announcements:

First I wanted let you know there’s a mailing list for the bash. We I fucked up on several occasions not emailing the right people or forgetting people off the list. So we’re going all profesh and managing shit properly.

So if you’re interested in coming next year sign up here. PLEASE NOTEdon’t use a yahoo email address to sign up. We’re having some issues getting mailing requests come through. If you were at the bash and agreed to be signed up, you don’t need to sign up again as I’ve done it for you.



If you’re interested in coming next year, the big bash will be Saturday June 10th, 2017.

Luca Sartoni, our fabulous due speaker, also happened to be a photographer. He took some stunning photos a selection of which are below and the rest you can see here. I am in the process of breaking the speech video into four so I can upload it to YouTube and share it with you.

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If you missed the winners post, you can find it here.

200In other news if you didn’t catch my crazy celebration dance on Facebook, we, the bloggers bash hashtag (#bloggersbash) trended on twitter!


The BloggersBash trended! :O

IT ACTUALLY FUCKING TRENDED ON TWITTER. Excuse me while I pass out in excitement! I had no idea! If it wasn’t for the lovely Suzie Speaks dropping me a text with this proof, I’d have been clueless. SO EPIC thank you to everyone who tweeted and shared things over the weekend.

So I said a few words at the bash, I also forgot a few words, so here’s a less garbled summary of my key points without the fire exit and toilet directions for attendees!


Welcome… Welcome to everyone who has made it here. I know it’s a cliché and but It really does feel like yesterday that we were standing in an awkward circle outside the British library waiting for the stragglers to turn up. And now look at us.

An actual fucking army of bloggers have descended on London.

Many of you have thanked me on the run up to this event for all the hard work the committee has put in, but what you don’t realise, is that for me, (not sure about the committee I bullied them into this) for me… This is an honour.

In my eyes, this is as much your event as it is mine. If it weren’t for the hard work of each and every one of you here and (those who couldn’t make it), for the dedicated sharing, reblogging, the continual shout outs, the posts, promos and tweets, this event wouldn’t have grown. Without your help none of this would be possible.

So from me to you, I give you my deepest thanks, and if you enjoy today, ask that you continue to help support the event in years to come.

What I find magical about this event and blogging is the connectivity. The fact that people from all over the world are connected to each other. Momentary meetings that would never have been. Friendships that bridge miles of road, sea and land. Age gaps that are meaningless, because our connections are based on values, interests, passions and dreams.

So a special thank you to all those of you that have travelled from afar to be here today. I just want to take a minute to highlight the extensive distance some people have travelled to be here, we have bloggers from: Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Poland, Ireland our speaker has come from Austria. We have bloggers from all over the UK too, Aberdeen, Galway, Leeds, Birmingham, Yorkshire, Nottingham, Reading, Swansea and Newcastle to name but a few.

Thank you to Luca as well, for taking time out of his busy schedule to come and speak today. It was an amazing masterclass and we are really grateful to wordpress/automattic for allowing it to happen.

My final and biggest thank you of all, has to go to the committee. Who put up with me all year round, they deserve a fucking medal for that alone.

There have been lots of posts and write ups about the event, and if you haven’t seen or read any yet, then below are a selection of them:

Edwina’s Episodes

Urszula Humienik

Sherri Matthews

Lucy Mitchell

Esther Newton

Helen Jones

Suzie Speaks

Shelley Wilson

Ruth Blogs

Rosie Amber

Cynthia Luna

Hugh – who posted the bash videos Here and Here

Interested in attending the bash next year? Sign up for updates.

Interested in getting free writing tips, tricks and news? As well as news about upcoming book releases? Sign up here.


  1. Sounds like a fantastic effort by you and your committee and a wonderful idea to connect real people from our virtual worlds. Couldn’t make it this year but have subscribed for next year. I mainly blog at my place in Spain but my family home is still in London so can return easily.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Luca has an eye for photography. Thank you so very much for sharing your speech and for all the bloggers doing such a great job of sharing so much of the event that I almost feel as if I was lucky enough to be there. Well, almost may be too strong of a word. I am still utterly bummed that my fairy godmother didn’t show up at the last minute to save me from sweeping floors and other drudgery, but at least I got to enjoy the stories, videos and even hear many of your voices, and that is something to celebrate.


    1. He really does, he’s a talented chap that Luca 😀 Lol to hearing voices. That’s the one part of blogging I find bizarre – not hearing voices. It’s like a whole weird thing when you finally do! And then you realise that all the bloggers are exactly as you thought! lol. I so so so hope you can come next year

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m still buzzing — but I’m also coming down from my Bloggers Bash high. I’ll be there next year. I have some ideas (didn’t write into the guest book) :-} Big congrats to you, Hugh, Geoffle and Ali! Wonderful event!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think you’ve found your calling, Sacha. You pull these off flawlessly – I felt the excitement 4000 miles away!!! And enjoyed hearing all about it, seeing the videos, and voting and meeting new bloggers. You made the whole world feel like part of it. I told my hubby that I want to get there one of these years 🙂


    1. Lol, well I hope my calling is writing! :p but thank you I actually LOVE organising the bash, its so much fun, even though I don’t really get to participate as I am running around trying to make it happen. I REALLLLLLLLY hope you do make it one day. But I am chuffed you still feel a part of it 😀


  5. How many people did you get? Yes, bloggers are people too. Um I think you ought to rectify a little inexactitude that has slipped in there—last time I looked Galway was in Eire not the UK. Even less likely now!


      1. You are all bloody brilliant, and I for one, appreciated all the time and effort you all put into the Bash, making it such a wonderful success. Here’s to next year! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Great pics! I am thinking of leaving the UK for good in the near future, so although I hope to be able to make it I’ll have to see how things line-up. Great work and congratulations on the trending. Deserved for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

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